19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Ch 6 Motivating employees

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Sir Afzal Shad
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19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

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Kumail Alvi
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by Kumail Alvi »

[KN] Skill Development and Career Growth
[AN] Employee motivation can be increased by offering job rotation as a means of acquiring new experiences and skills.
[AN+] Employees are more driven to perform well and progress within the company when they perceive job rotation as a means of achieving both personal and professional growth.

[KN] Enhancing Employee Engagement
[AN] Employment rotation can improve workers' comprehension and engagement by exposing them to various facets of the business.
[AN+] Employees are frequently more driven to contribute successfully when they have a stronger sense of kinship with the company and its goals.
Kumail Alvi
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[KN] Skill development
[AN] When employees express a desire to learn new skills or advance their careers, job rotation allows them to gain experience in different roles.
[AN+] This can be motivating as it provides opportunities for personal and professional growth.

[KN] Career progression
[AN] Job rotation can be used as a motivational tool when employees aspire to climb the corporate ladder.
[AN+] By exposing them to different departments or functions, they can acquire a broader perspective and experience that can aid in future promotions.
ayyan ali
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by ayyan ali »

[kn] career advancement
[an] offering job roation as a motivator can be linked to a structure career developing plan employees may percieve rotation as a path way to advacement with in the company
[AN+] encourage them to stay engaged and well motivated to perform well in various roles

[KN]enhanced job saisfaction
[AN] EMPLOYEES MAY EXPERIENCE Increase JOB satisfaction when the are not confined to a single role to an extended period
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by Areena »

Skill Development
Offering job rotation allows employees to acquire diverse skills and knowledge across different departments or roles.
This variety can motivate individuals by providing learning opportunities and preventing monotony.

Career Growth
Job rotation can be used to groom future leaders by exposing them to various facets of the organization
. This motivates employees by signaling opportunities for advancement and career development.
Hadia Zia
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by Hadia Zia »

[KN] In order to eliminate job monotony and boredom.
[AN] Applying job rotation will help employees acquire new talents, skills etc hence increasing their productivity too.
[AN+] Thus this can be a reason of job satisfaction which increases employee morale and motivation to work.

[KN] Low employee input.
[AN] Implementing job rotation can contribute to increased employee engagement and satisfaction by offering variety in their work hence increasing their interest too in the work.
[AN+] Thus this results in the opportunity to learn more skills and tactics to perform different kinds of work.
khadija nasir
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by khadija nasir »

[kn] when it is desired to reduce boredom of repetitive tasks
[an] since a worker can get unproductive due to same work everyday
[an+] this will increase motivation and also expand the abilities of employees to take on different work

[kn] succession planning
[an] in order for the employee to experience all types of tasks given
[an+] will enhance the ability and expertise of employee benefiting the business for the future
hafsa kashif
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[kn] it helps eliminate job boredom or repeatedly doing one task
[an] job rotation not only cures boredom of repetitiveness but also helps employees gain experience in different tasks and acquire new talents
[an+] motivating them to work harder leading to increased efficiency and reduced employee turnover
[kn] career growth
[an] Job rotation can be used to groom future leaders by exposing them to various tasks and rules of the organization
[an+] This motivates employees by providing opportunities for advancement and career development
Salman Khalid
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Re: 19 Analyse the possible situations in which job rotation can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[KN]career development and skill enhancement:
[AN]It allows them to acquire new skills and gain a comprehensive understanding of how different parts of the organization function
[AN+]Employees are motivated by the prospect of personal and professional growth

[KN]prevents job burnout
[AN]job rotation introduces variety, preventing employees from feeling stuck in one role and reducing the likelihood of burnout
[AN+]this enhances thier productivity and innovation
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