1 Identify & Explain the Production Process [4]

Ch 18 Production of goods and services

Moderators: Salman Khalid, Syed Mustafa Ali

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Sir Afzal Shad
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1 Identify & Explain the Production Process [4]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q1 Identify & Explain the Production Process [4]

Possible Structure:
[Definition] Production process is...
[KN] Its possible use/impact/feature
[AN] Impact/Further Impact on Business
ayyan ali
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Re: 1 Identify & Explain the Production Process [4]

Post by ayyan ali »

[def] production proces refers to series of stepd or activities involved n converting raw material ,resources or input into finished goods
[kn] it also has many features eg cost efficiency quality contol and innovation and flexibility and it help businesss to achieve to economies of scale bcz of there would be a decease in unit cost
[an]lead to shorter lead times and quicker response and efficient process contribute to meeting production schedule and delivering products on time
Salman Khalid
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Re: 1 Identify & Explain the Production Process [4]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[Definition] Production process is the sequence of steps and activities involved in transforming raw materials or inputs into finished goods or services
[KN] it is used in the manufacturing industry where a firm uses components to manufacture a finished good using a production process
[AN] this provides a firm with finished products to sell and gives them revenue/sales
Syed Raza
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Re: 1 Identify & Explain the Production Process [4]

Post by Syed Raza »

[Definition] Production process is steps involved in the production process from transforming raw materials into semi finished or finished goods
[KN] mostly used in manufacturing industry to transform goods in finished goods using production process
[AN] when the product is being developed then it is used to sell that goods or services
Syed Mustafa Ali
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Re: 1 Identify & Explain the Production Process [4]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[Definition] The production process is a series of steps and activities involved in converting inputs into finished goods or services, encompassing design, manufacturing, and distribution.
[KN] The efficiency of the production process directly influences product quality, cost-effectiveness, and overall business competitiveness.
[AN] Optimizing the production process not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes to sustainability, resource conservation, and economic growth.
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