5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Ch 2 Classification of businesses

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Soha Hussain
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by Soha Hussain »

Q5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

[KN]a fall in cost of production (CoP).
[AN]this is when a businesses uses labor-intensive methods instead of capital. Due to this, employment will also rise, reducing costs further for capital-intensive production
[AN+]through this, the businesses revenue will exceed cost, helping the business generate profit quicker

[KN]Improved living standards + higher purchasing power of workers
[AN]as capital intensive methods are now replaced with labor intensive methods, employment will start to rise, resulting in a fall in costs/prices
[AN+]this helps workers to increase their purchasing power, allowing them to improve their living standards, possibly leading to eco growth
Mahnoor Ali
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by Mahnoor Ali »

[kn] room for innovation
[an] With deindustrialization firms will switch from capital to labor-intensive methods and thus will get ideas for increasing labor productivity and ways of adding value to the products or introducing of more products
[an+] This will help a business have an edge over competitors and lead to greater potential for business growth.
[kn] increase employment
[an] Once a business becomes more labor intensive, the demand for labor will rise and skilled and unskilled labor both will be recruited
[an+] this will improve SoLs an thus, demand for products will rise in the long run
Maham fatima
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by Maham fatima »

[KN] Low unemployment
[an] Deindustrialization is moving from secondary sector to service sector therefore, to provide more services more labour would be required eg more teachers to provide education, more drivers to provide transport services
[an] thus, this helps in increasing incomes and so results in high SOLS

[KN] Innovation
[AN] Deindustrialization allows businesses to use more labour intensive methods thus this makes them feel more important in the organisation and so they think new ideas to contribute
[AN] As a result, not only new ways of providing services can be introduced but also quality of output may improve as workers are likely to be well motivated leading to customer satisfaction and building brand image
khadija nasir
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by khadija nasir »

[kn] development in tertiary sectors
[an] improved living standards and increased imcomes and employment opportunities
[an+] people spend more as a result

[kn] positive enviornmental effects
[an] since the industrial sector causes pollution, de indutrialisation leads to less wastage and reduced pollution
[an+] workers will be healthy, productive and work more efficiently
Sarah Shahzad
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by Sarah Shahzad »

(Kn) more job opportunities (an) By shifting from capital intensive methods to labor, intensive methods, gives opportunities to the unemployed to find jobs (an+) hence this improves the standard of living.
(Kn) more environment friendly (an) by deindustrialization the use of machinery decreases and hence reduces pollution and deforestation etc (an+) therefore it’s more economically beneficial.
Farzan Siddiqui
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by Farzan Siddiqui »

[KN] Improvement in the quality of lifestyle.
[AN] Less machines are used which help to reduce air pollution or noice pollution etc.
[AN+] This leads towards more healthy workers for the business.
[KN] More increase in employment.
[AN] More workers are hired in de industrializations as less machinery is used.
[AN+] This leads towards increase in the country’s economy.
hafsa kashif
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[kn]economic activity takes place in the business as more jobs are acquired
[AN] Shifting to labor intensive methods will create more job opportunities which will increase the willingness and ability of people to work This will increase productivity efficiency and employment
[AN+] Thus this will lead to improved SOL and will revive domestic demand which will encourage further economic growth
[kn] beneficial to the environment
[an] since the industrial sector causes pollution, de industrialization leads to less wastage and reduced pollution
[an+] workers will be healthy, productive and work more efficiently
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by Abbas17 »

[KN]it improves the quality of life
[AN] this is because it creates less pollution for example noise, air etc
[AN+] this leads to better mental and physical health for the community whcih ultimately resuces health costs

[KN] it helps employment increase
[AN] this is because some industries would use machineries and less labour, with deindustrialisation it causes them to shift to labour intensive
[AN+] this can improve the living standards of people which increases their consumption and helps the economy grow
Hussain Asghar
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Re: 5 Analyse the advantages of deindustrialization. [6]

Post by Hussain Asghar »

[KN] Low unemployment
[AN] Deindustrialization is moving from secondary sector to service sector therefore, to provide more services more labour would be required eg more teachers to provide education, more drivers to provide transport services
[AN+] thus, this helps in increasing incomes and so results in high SOLS

[KN] Innovation
[AN] Deindustrialization allows businesses to use more labour intensive methods thus this makes them feel more important in the organisation and so they think new ideas to contribute
[AN+] As a result, not only new ways of providing services can be introduced but also quality of output may improve as workers are likely to be well motivated leading to customer satisfaction and building brand image
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