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Re: 1 Analyse the benefits of a well-motivated workforce. [6]

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 7:40 pm
by Areena
Productivity growth
[AN] Workers that are driven are more likely to be involved with and dedicated to their jobs.
(AN+) Because they are concentrated on reaching their objectives and making a positive impact on the organization, this results in increased production levels.

Higher levels of creativity and innovation
Driven workers are more likely to come up with fresh concepts and exercise creative thought.
+AN+ They actively search out ways to enhance procedures and products rather than merely being satisfied with the state of affairs.

Re: 1 Analyse the benefits of a well-motivated workforce. [6]

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:49 pm
by Hadia Zia
[KN] Sustainable production of output.
[AN] This will help business achieve all types of economies of scale as total efficiency will increase.
[AN+] Thus through efficient quality output, the business will be able to ensure growth in a profitable manner.

[KN] Less absenteeism.
[AN] This will increase total productive potential of the workforce as less or no leaves will be taken by employees hence resulting in standard quality output.
[AN+] Thus the business will surely create a strong presence in the market hence encouraging market dominance.

Re: 1 Analyse the benefits of a well-motivated workforce. [6]

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:37 am
by Maham fatima
[KN] high productivity
[AN] when workers are well motivated, they feel more attached to the organisation and hence strive towards improving their standing in the organisation by working hard.
[AN] this helps to improve the quantity as well as quality of their output.

[KN] better brand image
[AN] with higher quality production, the business will be able to improve customer satisfaction by meeting their quality standards, helping to improve its reputation.
[AN] this may allow the business to attract new customers and hence boost sales

Re: 1 Analyse the benefits of a well-motivated workforce. [6]

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 3:34 pm
by Mahnoor Nadeem
[KN]: Improved productivity
[AN]: When employees are motivated they are more efficient in work and increase output and improve product quality
[AN]: It reduces the labour cost and helps the business earn higher revenue

[KN]: New innovative ideas
[AN]: A motivated work force would put in more effort to bring out new products and designs improving the quality of existing products/services and enhance brand image
[AN]: It would give the business a USP increasing the total market share of the business and increasing profit

Re: 1 Analyse the benefits of a well-motivated workforce. [6]

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:11 pm
by Humzah Zafar
[KN]Increase in productivity of the employee
[AN]This leads to more efficient work and will lead to quality being sustained
[AN+]This leads to better brand image and can build customer loyalty

[KN]Employees stay loyal to the business
[AN]Thus this leads to them giving their all for the business
[AN]This can increase productivity and efficiency for the business