4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Ch 2 Classification of businesses

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Maham fatima
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Maham fatima »

[KN] High external costs to environment
[an] Too many industries means a lot of raw materials from primary sector are being used, which may deplete with time
[an] Hence, resulting in shortage of resources with can adversely effect the output of businesses, leading to unsustainable growth

[KN] Threat to job security of workers
[AN] As economies industrialize businesses tend to use more capital intensive methods hence some workers may loose jobs which can cause unemployment
[an] At the same time, existing workers may feel less valued which can result in demotivation
Mahnoor Ali
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Mahnoor Ali »

[KN] diseconomies of scale
[AN] Due to a lot of expansion communication errors may occur
[AN+] This will lead to wastage of resources

[KN] Industrialization would increase the number of factories being set up causing pollution and in return, the government would impose greater taxes on firms
[AN] Businesses will have to bear most of the cost, especially if the product is price-elastic
[AN+] This will decrease profit levels and thus reducing investment to be reinvested.
khadija nasir
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by khadija nasir »

[kn] challenges faced by the primary sector
[an] industrialisation would lead to less land for the proper functioning of the primary sector ex: farming
[an+] leads to lesser output in raw materials and slows down business activity also increases costs for businesses

[kn] fewer employment opportunities
[an] latest technology and machinery replaces human labor
[an+] sales for businesses reduces as not many people can afford anymore
Sarah Shahzad
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Sarah Shahzad »

(Kn) loss of jobs (an) when businesses industrialize they usually change to capital intensive methods which requires more technology over human labor (an+) hence this leads to increasing unemployment.

(Kn) loss to the environment (an) raw materials used for industrial mostly come from primary industries which extract from natural resources such as land mines etc(an+) hence this results in pollution, deforestation etc.
Farzan Siddiqui
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Farzan Siddiqui »

[KN] Increase the chances of unemployment.
[AN] More capital intensive method would be used which would lead towards less labour intensive.
[AN+] There would be more unemployment which would decrease the economy of the county.
[KN] More air pollution
[AN] More machinery would be used this would cause air pollution which would be harmful for the business and for the economy.
[AN+] This would leads towards more global warming.
hafsa kashif
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[kn] industrialization means more secondary goods are being produced which need more skilled labor, increasing labor costs
[an] which puts pressure on firms to increase their prices to cover their avg costs
[an+] this may lead to consumers perceiving a false image for e.g. of high quality which may later dissatisfy and therefore put off customers when they do not find the product up to their expectations
[kn] industrialization would lead to businesses setting up factories causing high levels of pollution
[an] govt will then impose excise duty taxes on such firms leading to firms having to bear most of the tax burden themselves especially for products with price elastic demand
[an+]=lesser chances of expansion as profit margins are reduced
Soha Hussain
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Soha Hussain »

Q4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

[KN]fall in employment/ rise in unemployment
[AN]due to industrialization, labor-intensive methods are now replaced my capital-intensive methods (machinery), resulting in a fall in demand for labor
[AN+]thus, firms go towards productive and efficient methods at the cost of reduction in employment, possibly leading to poverty, fall in purchasing power, etc.

[KN]there will be a lot of negative impacts on the environment (external costs) due to pollution etc
[AN]it could also be due to waste of resources etc. this leads to a fall in efficiency as industrialization could cause effects like climate change due to excessive use of petroleum or excessive use/wastage of trees leading to deforestation
[AN+]therefore, the environment is damaged due to wastage and misuse of resources
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Abbas17 »

(KN) it leads to more unemployment of labour
[AN] this is because firms shift from labour intensive to capital intensive
[AN+] this worsens living standards of people which effects their mental health

[KN] industrialisation causes many external costs such as pollution
[AN] pollution could lead to worse health both physical and mental
[AN+] worse health results in earlier death and more health costs to bear
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