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21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:02 pm
by Sir Afzal Shad
Q21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Possible Structure
Re: 21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:36 am
by Kumail Alvi
[KN] Skill Development
[AN] Job enrichment can be used to foster employee motivation when there is room for skill development.
[AN+] Offering chances to pick up new abilities and assume greater responsibility can serve as a powerful incentive for people looking to advance both personally and professionally.
[KN] Employee Feedback
[AN] In response to feedback from employees, job enrichment can be carried out if they express discontent or a desire for more engaging work.
[AN+] This can increase motivation because it shows that the company is aware of its workers' needs and values their opinions.
Re: 21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:06 pm
by Syed Mustafa Ali
[KN] Less job satisfaction
[AN] When employees express dissatisfaction with their current roles, job enrichment can be a solution.
[AN+] By adding more meaningful tasks and opportunities for personal growth, employees are more likely to find their work fulfilling and motivating.
[KN] Repitition of task
[AN] Employees engaged in repetitive tasks can experience a decline in motivation.
[AN+] Job enrichment introduces variety and complexity, making their roles more interesting and engaging.
Re: 21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:12 pm
by Hadia Zia
[KN] Creative pool of employees.
[AN] Employees may not be using their capabilities to the full extent hence job enrichment can be a great solution which which will ensure enhancement of hidden talents etc.
[AN+] Thus this can be a great measure of motivation as it will increase overall productivity with job satisfaction.
[KN] Workforce demand to see the impact of work done by them to the organization.
[AN] Assigning them tasks which have more visible impact and result on the business will increase their flexibility to work with higher motivation.
[AN+] Thus will make employees feel valued and appreciated.
Re: 21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:56 am
by khadija nasir
[kn] when work for the current employee is less
[an] hiring new employees would increase costs for businesses so they take this opportunity and provide current employees with more tasks
[an+] this will keep the worker productive and focused while building new skills
[kn] when increased delegation of tasks and responsibilities are desired to be given to employee
[an] as the employee is capable of being responsible
[an+] employee will feel recognized and aprreciated allowing him to work more efficiently
Re: 21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:21 pm
by hafsa kashif
[kn] when employee has a low number of duties and tasks
[an] by providing more tasks and goals an employee may feel important to the business as they now have a higher amount of responsibilities then before
[an+] leading to decrease in employee turnover and more productive efficiency
[kn] dissatisfaction during the job
[an] employee may feel unsatisfied with the amount of work he fulfils thus job enrichment can be a solution
[an+] By adding more meaningful tasks and opportunities for personal growth employees are more likely to find their work fulfilling and motivating
Re: 21 Analyse the possible situations in which job enrichment can be used as a measure of motivation. [6]
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:28 pm
by Salman Khalid
[KN]whne increasing autonomy and decision making
[AN] This autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, motivating employees to perform at higher levels.
[AN+]this increases their productivity
[KN]when encouraging innovation and creativity
[AN]this gives them a feeling of pride in their work which improves job satisfaction
[AN+]this decreses chances of turnovers