Let's LinkedIn - Showcase your skills there.

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Sir Afzal Shad
Grand Commerce Guru
Posts: 328
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Let's LinkedIn - Showcase your skills there.

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Dear Members,

Here we will discuss anything related to LinkedIn. From profile creation to showcasing our skills, from being part of related community to profile endorsements. Feel free to use this space for your questions /concerns /suggestions.

Step 1: Initial target is make an email ID which is acceptable (no abnormal words like cool boy, 302, 1992 etc). It shall give a mature feel as we will be using the same for all our upcoming social presence.

Step 2: Sign Up at Linkedin.com (Ignore under 16 and skip/choose above 16 to make a profile) This can be edited later.

Step 3: Once done, upload your professional profile image (you can search "image placeholders" if you are not comfortable in sharing the picture)

In case of any questions, feel free to ask here.
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