8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Ch 8 Recruitment, selection and training of employees

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Sir Afzal Shad
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8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
hafsa kashif
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] when ne employees are found to hire in the different positions it creates a jealousy factor in the different employees who aleady have been working at their best level
[AN+] thus when they feel that their worth is not recognized they get demotivated to continue working which may increase employee turnover rate

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] if an external employe is used to business culture of some other company it will take him time to get used to the new businesses culture thus taking more time in different procedures then usual
[AN+] lading to inefficiency of the business lading to slower output generated causing customers to be driven towards competitors product
Soha Hussain
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Soha Hussain »

Q8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN]thus the morale of old employees are lowered, while also creating a jealousy factor.
[AN+]thus employee relations along with performance are negatively affects, increasing chance of turnover, reducing productivity, and reducing the morale to work of both already working and new employees

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN]if the employee is not familiar (taking into example) with the software or working methods of a specific programming company(e.g java, python,..)the business may need to provide training
[AN+]by this, time and money, which could of been used elsewhere, is wasted, disrupting production processes
ayyan ali
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by ayyan ali »

[kn] there would be a high isk of failure
[an]bcz external performance in new area is certain the new employee may not live up to expecttion and does not perform the role well
[an+]this can result in turnover whch is costly and time consuming

[kn]ther would be an impact on emploee morale
[an]thus he will be new to the organization he will feel undervalued or overlooked which could loose employee confidence
[an+] bcz f less interaction he will be not adjusted in working environment which also loose productivit
Ibrahim Aamir
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Ibrahim Aamir »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] Not considering internal employees for promotions may lead to retaliation and resentment.
[AN+] A disgruntled workforce can harm morale, teamwork, and overall workplace atmosphere.

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with the company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] f a new person doesn't fit in, work might get messed up.
[AN+] Problems can slow things down and make the team less effective.
Humzah Zafar
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Humzah Zafar »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN]This can worsen working environment
[AN+]This will drive productivity down and the business wont be able to achieve its objectives

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN]This can lead to wastage of time
[AN+]Business objectives wont be achieved
Salman Khalid
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] this would act as a demotivator and reduce the output and productivity of employees
[AN+]this would increase wastages and cost efficiencies would fall

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] this would reduce the quality of product being produced and reduce the speed of its production
[AN+] this would worsen the companies brand image
Syed Raza
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Syed Raza »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] Internal candidates may feel that their contributions are not valued if they are not considered for promotions.
[AN+] This can lead to a decrease in morale and a general feeling of being undervalued.

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] they may experience difficulty working with their colleagues and adapting to the company's norms and procedures.
[AN+] This can lead to reduced productivity and a decrease in the overall output of the team.
Farzan Siddiqui
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Farzan Siddiqui »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] This can make the working environment more worse.
[AN+] This leads towards reducing the productivity making the business to not achieve its objectives.

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] This would lead to more wastage of time.
[AN+] This results in making the business not achieve its objectives.
Ahmed Zunair
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Ahmed Zunair »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN]This can worsen working environment
[AN+]This will decrease the productivity and efficiency of the business
[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] this will waste time and will lead to wastages
[AN+] increasing the costs of the business
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Areena »

[Kn]Cultural Fit
[An]It is difficult to determine whether outsider applicants will fit into the business culture. Existing workers may have a better understanding of the company’s culture and principles, making them more likely to fit in with the current team. External candidates, on the other hand, may have a different attitude or perspective that does not mesh with the corporate culture.
AN+] This can lead to reduced productivity and a decrease in the overall output of the team.

[Kn]Disruptive To Existing Team
[An]. If the company hires an external candidate for a senior position it may create tension or competition within the team, and it can also lead to discouragement among the existing team members as the company prioritizes outsiders before them for a particular role.
[An+]reducing the moral of the existing employees as they might feel undervalue
khadija nasir
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by khadija nasir »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] this would demotivate employees from working hard as theyd feel like heir efforts were not good enough
[AN+] slows down business activity and leads to unnecessary expenses

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] he may feel underappreciated and disapproved of by his coworkers
[AN+] leads to uncoordinated teamwork and less output generated
Riyyan Rizwan
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Riyyan Rizwan »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] jealousy element, the employees might get jealous of external employees
[AN+] this leads to a demotivated employee

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] this will waste time and rsources
[AN+] leading towards increased business cost
Talha Asim
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Talha Asim »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions[an]since a total stranger who is not even from the firm is chosen over the current employee for the post, it may create a less senses of belonging among them and rather jealousy[an+] such cases may even lead to industrial action as the workers feel worthless to the firm and act against it

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes[an] if the new employee doesnt fit in or cant cope with the firm it would just lead to inefficiency [an+] not only disrupting the his own work but also the ones around him causing wastage
Syed Mustafa Ali
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Re: 8 Analyse the disadvantages of external recruitment. [6]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[KN] May act as retaliation & resentment by the internal employees as they are not considered for promotions.
[AN] Bringing in new people from outside might make current employees who weren't promoted feel left out or upset
[AN+] This can create a bad vibe at work, affecting morale and how well the team works together

[KN] If an external employee doesn’t adjust with company’s culture, it will create disruption in production processes.
[AN] If someone new from outside doesn't fit in with how things are done here, it could cause problems in getting work done and make it harder for the team to work well together.
[AN+] Making sure new people fit in with the way we do things and giving them good training when they start can help them become part of our work family more easily.
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