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2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:00 pm
by Sir Afzal Shad
Q2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Possible Structure:
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:03 pm
by Ayesha imran
[kn] businesses operating in the secondary sector are responsible for converting raw materials to manufactured goods whereas tertiary is resposible for providingnservices to consumers or other sectors of industry
[an] therefore secondary sector businesses are dependent upon labour and capital as factors of production, tertiary is mainly dependent upon capital and enterprise
[an+] furthermore, secondary sector businesses should set up in areas of high unemployment so thet cheaper labour is available, however tertiary sector businesses should set up in places where there is easy availability of credit or other means of raising capital
[kn] tertiary sector firms need more skilled labour than unskilled and for secondary sector firms it is vice versa
[an] therefore it is more difficult for tertiary sector to make workers redundant and adjust to changes in market demand, on the contrary it is easier for secondary sector businesses to do so
[ an+] firms in the tertiary sector would be more competitive however firms in secondary sector may lag behind from thier competitors unless the labour force is efficiently planned
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:24 pm
by Salman Khalid
[KN] the secondary sector converts raw materials into manufactured goods and tertiary sector provides services to the people
[AN] the secondary sector relies mainly on machinery and other technology to convert goods whereas the tertiary sector needs human labour
[AN+] this leads to the tertiary sector having more incomes and the secondary sector being the reason for more unemployment
[KN] the secondary sector doesnt require many "skilled" workers whereas in the tertiary sector skilled workers are much more preffereable
[AN] this increases hiring costs for tertiary firms are more skilled wokrers may be more expensive and secondary sector would find its labour for cheap amounts
[AN+] the secondary sector would rely on more progressive improvements whereas the tertiary sector relies more on adaptability to customer needs
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:07 pm
by khuram khan
[KN] The secondary sector's main focus is the conversion of raw materials into manufactured goods whereas the tertiary sector is responsible for providing the required services
{AN} Since the aim of the secondary sector is the manufacturing of good they require the use of labor and technology (FOPs) whereas the tertiary sector, require the use of enterprise and labour for assistance in providing service.
{AN+} Thus the tertiary sector is bound to be profitable as the sole focus is available for the people whereas the secondary sector only has to manufacture the good for the consumer without any sense of responsibility
{KN} The production of physical goods is done by the secondary sector whereas the production of nonphysical goods is performed by the tertiary sector.
{AN} The services provided by the tertiary sector is targetted to satisfy the consumers they are usually more in demand for the secondary sector production of good and services are usually done to make sales and a higher net revenue
{AN+} Thus the tertiary sector are usually more in demand by the consumer and developing countries focus on shifting for secondary and primary sector towards the tertiary sector as they are more beneficial to the welfare of the economy.
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:17 pm
by Syed Mustafa Ali
[KN] Secondary sectors involves manufacturing and production of physical goods while tertiary sectors focusses on providing services to individuals and businesses.
[AN] In secondary sector plays a significant role in the supply chain as it's responsible for creating the products that consumers purchase in the market.
[AN+] Tertiary sector is driven up by customer demand and needs and success depends on the quality of service.
[KN] Secondary Sectors relies on raw materials and industrial process for production while tertiary sectors relies on human skills, expertise and technology to deliver services.
[AN] Raw materials are the fundamental inputs that are transformed into finished products.
[AN+] The Key factors in the tertiary sector are the knowledge and abilities of the workforce.
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:59 pm
by Ibrahim Aamir
[KN] secondary sectors responsibility is to process the raw material provided by the primary industry to finished goods whereas tertiary sector provide services to the public and other sectors of the economy
[AN] This means that all the services provided are by tertiary sector and all the processing business are apart of secondary sector
[AN+] and secondary sectors of the industry prefers capital intensive however tertiary sector my prefers labour intensive
[KN]Skilled workers for secondary sector and unskilled worker for tertiary sector
[AN] in secondary sector the goods are produced for which skilled workers are employed however as in tertiary sector the nature of the business business are not that complicated so unskilled or untrained works would also be able to perform that job
[AN+] this would also lead to an higher cost of production in secondary sector
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:29 pm
by Syed Raza
[KN] Nature of Output
[AN] secondary Sector Businesses in the secondary sector produce tangible, physical goods, such as automobiles, machinery, electronics, and construction materials while tertiary Sector businesses in the tertiary sector provide intangible services, such as healthcare, education, consulting, financial services, entertainment, and transportation.
[AN+] thud increasing the output as basic facilities would be available
[KN] Customer Interaction
[AN] Secondary Sector Interaction with customers in manufacturing is often limited to sales and delivery of products. Customer engagement is primarily related to product design and quality while tertiary Sector Service businesses have direct and ongoing customer interactions, focusing on understanding and meeting customer needs, providing personalized experiences, and addressing specific requirements.
[AN+] thus increasing regular customer feedback
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:46 pm
by Kumail Alvi
[KN]The primary objective of the secondary sector is the transformation of raw materials into finished products, while the primary role of the tertiary sector is to offer essential services.
[AN]In the secondary sector, where the focus is on the production of goods, businesses rely on both labor and technology (Factors of Production - FOPs) to achieve their objectives. Conversely, in the tertiary sector, enterprises primarily depend on the application of entrepreneurial skills along with the labor to deliver services effectively.
[AN+]The tertiary sector is likely to be more profitable since its primary focus is on meeting the specific needs of individuals and businesses, with a strong emphasis on customer service. In contrast, the secondary sector primarily concerns itself with manufacturing goods for consumers without the same level of direct customer interaction and responsibility.
[KN] The secondary sector is responsible for the manufacturing of tangible goods, while the tertiary sector focuses on the creation of intangible or non-physical goods.
[AN]The services offered by the tertiary sector are designed to cater to consumer needs, and they typically experience higher demand compared to the production of goods in the secondary sector. Businesses in the secondary sector primarily focus on manufacturing goods and services with the primary aim of generating sales and achieving a higher net revenue.
[AN+]The tertiary sector typically experiences higher consumer demand, and developing nations often prioritize transitioning from the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary sector due to its greater potential for contributing to economic well-being.
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:15 pm
by Talha Asim
Nature of business (an) a secondary sector business has the main task of manufacturing whereas tertiary sector comprises of providing those goods to the people or providing services like insurance(an+) such services are monthly paid where as manufacturing only give profits when sold or demanded
(Kn)production methods(an) tertiary sectors businesses are labour intensive but secondary sector ones are capital intensive (an+) the labour is used due to the high amount of services and communication skills needed whereas the machinery is used for the high intensity of production
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:22 am
by Hussain Asghar
[KN] both tasks
[AN] The main task of secondary sector is to manufacturing of a good whereas tertiary sector has a duty of providing services to people like teaching
[AN+] these services are paid monthly whereas goods gave profit when sold or demanded
[KN] Methods used in production process
[AN] Secondary sector mainly used capital(Machinery) for manufacturing products whereas tertiary sector is labour intensive
[AN+]the labour is used to served customers whereas machinery is used for manufacturing goods
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:30 am
by Hadia Zia
[KN]The tertiary sector involves the supplying of services to consumers whereas secondary sector main focus is towards converting raw materials into manufactured goods.
[AN] which means that secondary sector involves more use of labor and technology but on the other hand tertiary sector demands for more of enterprise and labor.
[AN+] Thus tertiary sector becomes the reason to increase incomes however the secondary sector to reduce unemployment.
[KN] Interaction of both sectors with customers is different.
[AN] Secondary sector involves limited interaction with customers but for tertiary sector it is significant to interact with customers otherwise sales could be affected.
[AN+] Thus this means that that the focus of secondary sector businesses is mainly on the production of manufactured goods whereas the other sector revolves around customer feedback, providing services with quality to customers etc.
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:20 pm
by Ahmed Zunair
[KN]The main function of the secondary sector is to convert raw materials to finished products. while the main function of the tertiary sector is to provide those finished goods and services to the customers.
[AN]In the secondary sector focuses n the production of goods. In the tertiary sector focuses on how the goods and services are to be sold.
[AN+] Thus secondary industry role is to convert raw material into finished goods and tertiary sector is to provide those goods and services to the general public.
[KN] Difference in their production methods
[AN] secondary sector mostly uses machinery for their manufacturing goods whereas tertiary mostly uses labour intensive methods.
[AN+] This is because of the difference in the sectors and the people they are dealing with.
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:51 pm
by hafsa kashif
[kn] the secondary sector transfers raw materials from primary sector into finished or semi finished goods while tertiary sector focuses on providing services and goods to satisfy customers
[an] the secondary sector focuses on FOPs like labour and capital to achieve there goals and objectives while tertiary focuses on labour and enterprise to achieve its main objectives
[an+] the secondary sector is more capital intensive as it focuses on manufacturing products while the tertiary sector is more labour intensive as it needs skilled labour to provide proper goods and services to consumers.
[kn] secondary sector is more affected by consumer changes in demand as its goods rely on customer preferneces howveer tertiary sector is less vulnerable to such changes as it prvides essential services.
[an] this was tertiary sector is also more profitable as it provides goods and services that are needed by consumers while secondary sector is less profitable as it provides products that are more or less wants rather then essential for consumers
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:40 pm
by Sodais sajid
KN: Secondary Sector
AN: Often subject to global competition and outsourcing due to cost considerations
AN+: which can lead to offshoring of manufacturing jobs
KN: Secondary Sector
AN: These businesses are typically part of extensive supply chains that involve raw material suppliers
AN+: manufacturing processes, and distribution networks
Re: 2 Analyse the functional differences between businesses operating in secondary & tertiary sectors of business. [6]
Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:33 pm
by Mahnoor Ali
[kn] Secondary businesses mostly focus on manufacturing a product meanwhile the tertiary sector focuses on providing services.
[an] secondary sector focuses mainly on unskilled labor (as the labor has to perform repetitive tasks ) and technology while tertiary requires enterprise and more skilled labor.
[an+] Secondary sectors help reduce unemployment while the tertiary sector helps increase SOLs
[kn] customer interaction
[an] In the secondary sector there is little interaction with customers while the tertiary sector is based mostly on customer interaction
[an+] Thus, it tells us that the secondary sector mostly focuses on the manufacturing of a good while the tertiary sector focuses on max. customer satisfaction