4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Ch 2 Classification of businesses

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Sir Afzal Shad
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4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

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khuram khan
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by khuram khan »

{KN} Discourages new business from entering the market
{AN} The investment required for industrialization is not a small amount a starting business doesn't have the amount of money to make themselves as competitive as those who are already in the market and have gone through industrialization
{AN+}Thus due to the lack of businesses entering the market this might lead to a monopoly being made and they may exploit the customers by charging a higher price for their products of low quality

{KN} Lack of employment opportunities
{AN} Due to more usage of capital-intensive methods in the economy the labour who previously were to be employed are now being replaced by machines and so this becomes a hassle for them as their only source of income is being taken away
{AN+} Thus due to the lack of employment the income level in the economy would fall and that would lead to a fall in the living standards of people
Syed Raza
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Syed Raza »

[KN] Income Inequality
[AN] Industrialisation can produce inequality in market as the benefits are not always evenly distributed. Low skilled workers may face job displacement or poor working conditions while those with high demand skills will be earning higher.
[AN+] So this can lead to differences in society which creates un even economic balance.

[KN] Less Jobs being crated
[AN] more capital intensive methods are used hence less people would be available in the economy as more machines are being used instead of labour.
[AN+] Thus due to the lack of employment the income level in the economy would fall and that would lead to a fall in the living standards of people
Humzah Zafar
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Humzah Zafar »

[KN]High costs
[AN]The investment required for buying of machinery for industrialization can be very high and may not be beneficial for new businesses
[AN+]This may discourage such businesses from entering the market as they might not have enough funds to bear the cost of industrialization

[KN]High unemployment
[AN]As capital intensive production methods are used, less workers are employed
[AN+]This not only leads to a fall in people's standard of living but also leads to a fall in economic growth due to high unemployment
Ahmed Zunair
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Ahmed Zunair »

[KN] Unemployment
[AN] machinery does all the work and thus no workers are needed
[AN+] Thus when the people are not getting jobs unemployment will increase.

[KN] Increase in costs
[AN] Machinery is expensive which leads the firms to charge high prices in order to cover there expenses.
[AN+] Thus this will lead to a decrease in sales as consumers will switch to substitutes.
Salman Khalid
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[KN]it leads to more unemployment of labour
[AN] this is because firms shift from labour intensive to capital intensive
[AN+] this worsens living standards of people which effects their mental health

[KN] industrialisation causes many external costs such as pollution
[AN] pollution could lead to worse health both physical and mental
[AN+] worse health results in earlier death and more health costs to bear
Ibrahim Aamir
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Ibrahim Aamir »

[KN] Air pollution
[AN] With an increase in industries in the area would lead to more output thus creating more pollution
[AN+] This is an external cost produced by industrialization

[KN] Higher Unemployment
[AN] to achieve more efficiency many firms my move from labour intensive to capital intensive
[AN+] leading to lesser jobs for the unskilled worker
Kumail Alvi
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Kumail Alvi »

[KN] Unemployment will rise.
[AN] Industrialization makes businesses switch to capital-intensive machinery to replace humans.
[AN+] People will get unemployed as businesses will shift to capital-intensive.

[KN] Increase in costs.
[AN] Investing in capital requires a great amount of money and not every business can bear it.
[AN+] This will increase business costs and after purchase the operating costs will further increase.
Kumail Alvi
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[KN] More competitiveness and so more risks of downfall.
[AN] As industries become more globalised they face intense competition and due to economic downfall in one area of the business can have a devastating impact on its economy.
[AN+] Due to this the business may go period of contraction and lead to a fall in brand image or it's closure.
[KN] Environmental Pollution
[AN] Increase In pollution of air, water and soil. Due to manufacturing processes it can result in harmful emmisions and so global warming.
[AN+] Lead to destruction of wildlife habitats and so decrease in raw materials for industries working in food and leather.
Ayesha imran
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Ayesha imran »

[kn] industrialisation means more manufactured goods are bieng produced which require more skilled labour, increasing labour costs
[an] puts pressure on firms to increase thier prices to cover thier costs
[an+] consumers may percieve a false image for eg of high quality which may later dissatisfy and therefore put off customers when they do not find the product up to thier expectations
[kn] industrialisation would lead to businesses setting up factories causing high levels of pollution. Government may impose heavy excise duties on such firms
[an] firms have to bear most of the tax burden themselves especially for products with price elastic demand, reducing profit margins
[an+] lower retained profits, lesser chances of expansion
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Areena »

Increased competition
Industrialization leads to the growth of industries and the entry of new competitors in the market which will result in increased competition for businesses, making it harder for them to maintain market share and profitability.

Cost pressures
Industrialization can lead to cost pressures for businesses, as they may need to invest in new technologies, equipment, and infrastructure to remain competitive
This can strain their financial resources and profitability.
Talha Asim
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Talha Asim »

(Kn)damages the environment (an) due to industrialisation large amounts of forest will have to be cleared and most of it will not be planted again (an+) this will increase pollution and reduce sustainability
(Kn)exploiting labour (an) due to industrialisation alot of newnjob oppor Will open up and the firms will hire them for low wages but make them work long hours (an+) this will lower labour satisfaction and productivity
Hadia Zia
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Hadia Zia »

[KN] It will create negative externalities for the environment.
[AN] This will be a result of increased pollution, resource depletion etc. thus this will lead to a reduction in sustainability as it is possible that industrialization may be created as a result of deforestation.
[AN+] Thus, this will lead to a loss of beauty which the environment has to suffer due to lack of trees and it may result in climate change which can be dangerous in long run.

[KN] Loss of job stability
[AN] Due to more use of capital intensive methods the need for physical labor will reduce which will lead to poor SOL and increase in poverty.
[AN+] Thus, this can lead to differences in society between the rich n poor and different sorts of crime may also increase.
Hussain Asghar
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Hussain Asghar »

[KN] Discourages new business from entering the market
[AN] The investment required for industrialization is not a small amount a starting business doesn't have the amount of money to make themselves as competitive as those who are already in the market and have gone through industrialization
[AN+]Thus due to the lack of businesses entering the market this might lead to a monopoly being made and they may exploit the customers by charging a higher price for their products of low quality

[KN] Loss of job stability
[AN] Due to more use of capital intensive methods the need for physical labor will reduce which will lead to poor SOL and increase in poverty.
[AN+] Thus, this can lead to differences in society between the rich n poor and different sorts of crime may also increase.
Huma Junaid
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Re: 4 Analyse the disadvantages of industrialization. [6]

Post by Huma Junaid »

[KN] Depletion of Natural Resources:
[AN] This depletion not only affects the availability of these fuels but also creates issues related to climate change
[AN+] which may effect the wildlife and effect certain industries using them for production

[KN] Exploitation of Labor
[AN] workers may be facing long working hours and inadequate safety measures which may lead to serious injuries
[AN+] may create a lack off labor in the country and workers may become more competitive in this matter
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