This Quiz is designed for the students of IGCSE & O-Levels Business Studies. Students who want to appear in Annual School Exams or Final Cambridge Examinations can practice using the worksheets and Revision Questions. Section 4 Operations Management – Revision Quiz consists of part a style [2 marks] questions from the Student Course Book and Past Papers. You can Preview the worksheet on website as well as you can Download Revision Quiz of Section 4 for later use.

Before you Start: Important Instructions

  • Don’t copy/paste the answers while attempting but use your knowledge
  • For 2 marks questions, you have to add a little detail to your definition.
  • Try to use 2 keywords, 2 aspects or add an example if it clarify your answer.
  • Use example as a last resort or when necessary, not everywhere.

Operations Management – Revision Quiz [Level 1 – Definitions]

Solved this Quiz? We have more …

If you have solved Section 4 Operations Management Revision Quiz. Feel free to visit the Business Studies Worksheets Page to get Additional revision quiz on Section 1 Understanding Business Activity, Section 2 People in Business, Section 3 Marketing, Section 5 Financial Information and Section 6 External Influences on Business Activity.

How many questions I must solve accurately?

Normally, grade 9 students of IGCSE-II or O-Level can solve 100% of this quiz if they have covered this section in Term 1 of Year 2. If you are unable to solve, you may require a Business Studies Teacher Online who can guide you with the concepts of Section 4 Operations Management.

Business Studies Worksheets for IGCSE/O Levels – Click Here

How much time I should allocate to each question?

Total Marks of QuestionTime Allocation on Average
2 Marks (a.b style)2 Mins
4 Marks (c style)4 Mins
6 Marks (d style)6 Mins
6 Marks (e style)8 Mins
Paper 1 Style – Business Studies Paper Time Allocation

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Share your result with us

If you have tried to attempt all these questions try to get these checked from your Business Studies teacher at school, Home Tutor or Online Tutor of Business Studies. If you are unable to access your teacher, or facing problems while understanding from your teacher, Feel Free to Contact Us.

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