Before we start attempting a 12 marker question in 9609 Business Solved FM 2017/22, let’s dive into the common problems a student faces while attempting the past papers / final CAIE’s of 9609 Business & Edexcel Business for IGCSE & A Levels. I will be explaining each reason one by one and we will solve a 12 marker past paper question as well.
Concept Complexity
One of the most difficult challenges students confront when answering evaluation-based questions in Business Studies is the complexity of the concepts involved. These concerns frequently necessitate a thorough understanding of theoretical frameworks and their practical applications. Interpreting and evaluating these notions necessitates a high level of knowledge, which some students may find difficult, especially if they haven’t properly understood the underlying theories.
(ب) مفهوم التعقيد: من أصعب التحديات التي يواجهها الطلاب عند الإجابة على الأسئلة المستندة إلى التقييم في دراسات الأعمال التجارية تعقيد المفاهيم المعنية. وكثيراً ما تتطلب هذه الشواغل فهماً شاملاً للأطر النظرية وتطبيقاتها العملية. تفسير وتقييم هذه المفاهيم يتطلب مستوى عال من المعرفة، التي قد يجدها بعض الطلاب صعبة، خاصة إذا لم يكونوا قد فهموا بشكل صحيح النظريات الأساسية.
Critical Thinking Demands
Another key barrier is the demand for critical thinking abilities. Typically, evaluation questions ask students to judge the strengths and flaws of various arguments, theories, or business practices. This entails studying numerous perspectives, considering alternate opinions, and synthesizing data to reach a well-reasoned conclusion. Students who struggle with critical thinking may find it difficult to make nuanced assessments that reflect a full comprehension of the subject. Currently, you will see a sample answer of 9609 Business Solved FM 2017/22 which will help you in understanding critical thinking demands.
(ج) طلبات التفكير الحرج: ثمة حاجز رئيسي آخر يتمثل في الطلب على قدرات التفكير النقدي. وعادة ما تطرح أسئلة التقييم على الطلاب الحكم على مواطن القوة والنقائص في مختلف الحجج أو النظريات أو الممارسات التجارية. ويستتبع ذلك دراسة العديد من وجهات النظر والنظر في آراء بديلة وتجميع البيانات للتوصل إلى استنتاج معقول. وقد يجد الطلاب الذين يصارعون التفكير النقدي صعوبة في إجراء تقييمات دقيقة تعكس الفهم الكامل للموضوع.
Time Constraints
Time constraints are a recurring challenge for students confronting evaluation-based inquiries. With little time, students must balance understanding the question, developing their solution, and executing it well. Failure to manage time effectively can lead to hasty or incomplete evaluations, lowering the overall quality of their responses and potentially resulting in lower scores.
وتشكل القيود الزمنية تحديا متكررا أمام الطلاب الذين يواجهون استفسارات تستند إلى التقييم. وبقليل من الوقت، يجب على الطلاب أن يوازنوا بين فهم المسألة، وتطوير حلهم، وتنفيذها بشكل جيد. ويمكن أن يؤدي عدم إدارة الوقت إدارة فعالة إلى تقييمات متسرعة أو غير كاملة، مما يقلل من الجودة العامة لاستجاباتها ويحتمل أن يؤدي إلى درجات أدنى.
Application to Real-World Scenarios
Many Business Studies evaluation questions ask students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. This includes finding significant concepts, examining how they emerge in real-world circumstances, and assessing their significance for enterprises or sectors. Students who fail to bridge the gap between theory and practice may have difficulty providing relevant evaluations that reflect a thorough comprehension of the subject.
التطبيق على السيناريوهات العالمية الحقيقية: كثير من أسئلة تقييم دراسات الأعمال تطلب من الطلاب تطبيق المعرفة النظرية على حالات العالم الحقيقي. ويشمل ذلك إيجاد مفاهيم هامة، وبحث كيفية ظهورها في الظروف الحقيقية في العالم، وتقييم أهميتها بالنسبة للمؤسسات أو القطاعات. وقد يجد الطلاب الذين يعجزون عن سد الفجوة بين النظرية والممارسة صعوبة في توفير تقييمات ذات صلة تعكس فهماً شاملاً للموضوع.
Subjectivity of Evaluation
Finally, the subjective nature of evaluation questions poses a substantial barrier to students. Unlike factual or knowledge-based inquiries, evaluation questions frequently have only one correct answer. Students are expected to express and defend their positions using logical arguments and facts. This necessitates not only a thorough comprehension of the subject, but also the capacity to communicate and justify one’s viewpoints persuasively. Students who struggle with ambiguity or uncertainty may have difficulty navigating the subjective character of evaluation questions efficiently. (9609 Business Solved FM 2017/22)
(ج) موضوع التقييم: أخيراً، تشكل الطبيعة الذاتية لمسائل التقييم حاجزاً كبيراً أمام الطلاب. وخلافا للاستفسارات الوقائعية أو القائمة على المعرفة، كثيرا ما لا يكون لأسئلة التقييم سوى إجابة صحيحة واحدة. ويتوقع من الطلاب التعبير عن مواقفهم والدفاع عنها باستخدام الحجج والوقائع المنطقية. وهذا لا يتطلب فهم الموضوع فهماً شاملاً فحسب، بل يتطلب أيضاً القدرة على التعبير عن وجهات نظر المرء وتبريرها بصورة مقنعة. وقد يجد الطلاب الذين يصارعون الغموض أو عدم اليقين صعوبة في تحديد الطابع الذاتي لمسائل التقييم بكفاءة.

12 Marker Sample Answer (9609 Business Solved FM 2017/22)
Recommend which one of the two venture capital offers Tom and Amy should accept. Justify your answer. [12]
[Def] Venture capitalists are investors who give you money in exchange for a piece of your business. They risk putting money into businesses that aren’t well-known or haven’t shown that they can pay off yet, but they hope that yours will grow and be successful in the future. Venture capital, in simple words, is a way for business owners to get the money they need to make their ideas come true.
I believe the offer made by Rebecca is admissible.
[KN] Since she desires 30% of the ownership, there will be less intervention & the control of the business will remain with Tom & Amy.
[AN+APP] Quick decision making, less conflicts & smooth execution of plans.
[AN+] Good organizational culture where everyone understands each other.
[KN] She also has experience of CAM, which seems to be an applied option.
[AN+APP] Since, the Break even without CAM is 5,000 making margin of safety of 2,500 units making a contribution of 2,500 max. Whereas by using CAM, Break-even would be 10,000 making margin of safety 15,000 thus profits of 15,000 x 1.5 = 22,500.
[AN+] Plus, she also believes in lowering the costs which will further attract more customers and increase sales of the business.
[KN] However, Rebecca has little experience in the ice-cream industry.
[AN+APP] She will take some time to understand the industrial requirements, its supply chain along with the preservation of the ice-cream during the transportation & also its packaging which will retain its shape & taste.
[AN+] She won’t be able to give much expert opinions to the business due to lack of knowledge & may develop communication gaps with the management.
[STS/LTS] She can be explained about the important factors in an ice-cream industry which she will understand quickly since she already has experience of manufacturing business.
– She can use the same manufacturing experience to further improve the production processes or any best practices which she might have learned from clothing manufacturing.
[External Factors] It depends on the current brand image & market base of the business. In the case of Rebecca we won’t be able to get easy placements in supermarkets & may have to incur investments in promotions & giving margins to the supermarkets to make them place our products.
– It also depends on the GI’s expertise in marketing & promotions. In the case of Rebecca we won’t be able to get marketing experiences, therefore we may acquire expert marketing managers which will further increase the costs for the business.
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9609 Business Solved FM 2017/22 – Quick Summary
When students try evaluation-based questions in Business Studies (9609 Business Solved FM 2017/22), they face a number of difficulties. To begin, the difficulty of the ideas demands an in-depth awareness of the foundations of theory and how they can be used in real life. Students need to be able to think critically because they need to figure out their strengths and flaws, look at things from different points of view, and put together pieces of information.
Time constraints put extra pressure on people, forcing them to make good use of their time to know, plan, and carry out their answers. Putting what you’ve learned into practice in the real world can be hard for some people because it requires combining theory and practice. Lastly, because evaluation questions are biased, you need to be able to clearly state and defend your points of view.
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