10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Ch 5 Business objectives and stakeholder objectives

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Sir Afzal Shad
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10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[KN] Job security
[AN] Many employees seek job security as a primary objective.
[AN+] They want a stable and reliable source of income, which encourages them to increase their effeciency.

[KN] Training/ becomes skilled
[AN] Some employees prioritize skill development and learning opportunities.
[AN+] They want to enhance their expertise, which benefits both themselves and the company.
Kumail Alvi
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Kumail Alvi »

[KN] Job Security
[AN] One of the main goals of employees is frequently job security.
[AN+] In order to boost morale, lower turnover, and foster greater employee loyalty, they want to make sure they have a steady and consistent source of income.

[KN] Career Advancement
[AN] Many staff members hope to progress in the organization.
[AN+] They might look for chances for career advancement, skill improvement, and promotions. Offering a clear path for promotion can encourage workers to give their best work.
Kumail Alvi
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[KN]work life balance
[AN]They seek flexibility in their work arrangements and flexible hours
[AN+] they tend to have the most job satisfaction and employee retention

[KN]job security aswell
[AN]with confidence that their position will not be at risk in the short term
[AN+]this is important for people in tough conditions as they need every months income to survive
Talha Asim
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Talha Asim »

[kn] attain promotion [an] an employee works hard and is motivated for their ultimate goal and that is promotion to a better position [an+] this encourages them to work more efficiently lowering cost of production for the business

[kn] job security [an] the confirmed and set knowledge that they wont be removed from their job gets them a less worries about the said job[an+] this in turn to give the employees boosts employee satisfaction and they remain loyal to the business and do not switch to another
ayyan ali
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by ayyan ali »

[kn] to develop the career .
[AN]some worker aim to develop their career with in the business for the growth and the opportunities which worker fulfill b esteem needs.and also plan for the future
[AN+]worker who are financiall secure are more fucus to committed to their job ad they are less likely to leave the company for better pay

[AN]worker may join a business to enhance their skill and gain new experience which can impove their emplobilit and career prospects
[AN+]this could bring new knowledge and expertise to a business which help to stay competitive
Ibrahim Aamir
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Ibrahim Aamir »

[KN] income
[AN] when the worker works he only does it to receive it's reward, this reward is money in most cases
[AN+] and they need money to full fill their requirements and wants in life

[KN] job security
[AN] a worker would need job security to have confidences that they would not be replaced by another worker
[AN+] due to this they would be loyal to the business
Syed Raza
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Syed Raza »

[KN] Job Security
[AN] Many employees want stable and secure employment
[AN+] They seek to keep their jobs and not worry about losing them.

[KN] Work life Balance
[AN] Maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life is a common objective.
[AN+] Employees want to enjoy their personal time without being overwhelmed by work.
hafsa kashif
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[kn] job security
[an] a worker works more productively when they are assured that they will not be replaced
[an+] this is one of the primary objectives which boost morale and confidence helping them work more efficiently
[kn] improve their skills
[an] many times workers will have the objective to enhance there skills and gain more experience
[an+] thus with such knowledge and improved expertise they will help the business rise in productivity
Mahnoor Ali
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Mahnoor Ali »

[KN] Self-esteem through recognition and promotion
[AN] Increasing a worker's earning
[AN+] motivation to improve

[KN] job security
[AN] The worker won't be on edge to ensure they have stable income
[AN+] will focus on their tasks leading to innovation
khadija nasir
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by khadija nasir »

[kn] growth in career
[an] some employees want to gain experience and enhance their skills
[an+] in order to land a higher position at work

[kn] job security
[an] working hard in order to safeguard their future which also ensures best quality and output for business
[an+] as cahnging jobs is a nuisance especially for those who survive paycheck to pycheck
Maham fatima
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Maham fatima »

[KN]Bonus payment
[AN]Workers aim for bonuses for hardwork.Thus this keeps them motivated to work
[AN]As a result they work efficiently to get rewarded

[KN]To meet their needs and achieve further levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs
[AN]Worker aim for getting their physiological and social needs met to achieve self esteem through promotion
[AN]As a result they remain motivated to work for a long term
Hadia Zia
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Hadia Zia »

[KN] Job security.
[AN] Positive thought that they wont get replaced in place of an efficient worker or machine.
[AN+] Thus, this boosts confidence and motivation to work.

[KN] To make a strong career base.
[AN] By working and learning new things everyday ensures increase in an workers abilities thus making him more approachable for businesses to recruit them.
[AN+] Thus this leads to adapting new opportunities and hence enhancing the future frame.
Shaliza khawaja
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Re: 10 Analyse the possible objectives of employees (workers) towards a business. [6]

Post by Shaliza khawaja »

(kn) job security
(an) release stress of being fired, relaxing them mentally
(an+) increasing their trust in the business and confidence in themselves
(kn) earn new skills
(an) this would beat their boredom and give them confidence
(an+) leading to more room for innovation and brainstorming
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