11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Ch 6 Motivating employees

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Sir Afzal Shad
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11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

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Re: 11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[KN] Nature of theory
[AN] Maslow's theory is a hierarchy of needs that suggests that people needs are arranged in a pyramid, with physiological needs at the bottom and self-actualization at the peak. While Herzberg's theory proposes that there are two sets of factors, hygiene factors and motivators, that influence motivation and job satisfaction.
[AN+] According to Maslow Individuals must satisfy basic needs before advancing to other needs. While according to Herzberg hygiene factors stops dissatisfaction, while motivators enhance satisfaction.

[KN] Focus of the theory
[AN] Maslow's theory is more general and applies to various aspects of human life, not just the workplace while Herzberg's theory specifically focuses on workplace motivation and job satisfaction.
[AN+] Maslow outlines a broader spectrum of human needs while Herzberg outlines a narrow spectrum of human needs.
Talha Asim
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Re: 11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by Talha Asim »

[kn] difference in nature of their theories [an]Maslow's theory is based on the idea that human needs can be arranged in a hierarchical order, often depicted as a pyramid whereas Herzberg's theory distinguishes between hygiene factors (work environment) and motivational factors (recognition) [an+]according to Maslow when these humanly needs are met the employees get motivated to work harder whereas herzberg stated that motivation shall spread through implication of better hygiene and motivation for the employees

[kn] differences in role of management [an] Maslow's theory suggests that management needs to recognize and address employees' evolving needs however Herzberg theory emphasizes the role of management in providing both hygiene and motivational factors for employee motivation [an+] Maslow's role for management creates employee satisfaction and self actualization through fulfilling these needs and Herzberg's theory mainly works towards employee satisfaction by eliminating unnecessary elements in the work place
Abdur Rafay1
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Re: 11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by Abdur Rafay1 »

Maslow's theory suggests that people have a hierarchy of needs that must be met in a specific order motivation is the result of a person's attempt at fulfilling five basic needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization.

Herzberg's theory is based on the use of motivators which includes achievement recognition and opportunity for growth.This concept puts forward two factors that motivate employees: job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction.
Salman Khalid
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Re: 11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[KN]Maslow's theory is based on a hierarchical structure of needs, whereas Herzberg's theory focuses on the distinction between factors that prevent dissatisfaction and those that drive satisfaction and motivation.
[AN]this allows herzbergs theories to provide with good working conditions and Maslow provides with great esteem needs
[AN+] these both lead to greater production as both wokring conditiosn and esteem needs contribute to productibvity

[KN]Maslow's theory encompasses a broader range of human needs, from basic physiological needs to self-actualization, while Herzberg's theory specifically separates workplace factors into hygiene and motivational factors.
[AN] this means maslows theories allow employees to have a great wellbeing whereas herzberg helps contribute to their motivational needs which increases job satisfaction
[AN+] this leads to employee retention from both
hafsa kashif
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Re: 11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[kn] Maslow uses physiological and safety needs as the initial elements of motivation while Herzberg called them as hygiene elements
[an] thus this proves that although both are very known for their motivational factors
[an+] they too have differences in what they believe is motivation
[kn] Maslow identified the relation between motivators whereas Herzberg classified them under two categories only
[an] thus Maslow's factors allow employees to have a greater wellbeing whereas Herzberg helps contribute to their motivational needs which increases job satisfaction
[an+] leading to employee retention from both sides
Maham fatima
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Re: 11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by Maham fatima »

[EXP] Maslow's theory of motivation suggests that workers, as part of the organisation, have various needs or expectations that need to be fulfilled in order to feel motivated. As they pass each level on the pyramid, their level of motivation improves. These needs may include: physiological needs, security needs, social needs, self esteem needs, and self-actualisation. Although the order of these needs may differ for every individual employee, fulfilling them still enhances their motivation and ability to work.

[EXP] Herzberg, on the other hand, has suggested that there are many factors that influence the level of motivation of a worker, which can be divided into two categories, hygiene factors and motivators. hygiene factors are those which do not actively motivate employees, but their absence can certainly cause demotivation, for example, minimum wage. Motivators are factors that can actually positively influence worker motivation, such as their their relationship with colleagues and managers in the workplace.
Hadia Zia
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Re: 11 Differentiate between Maslow & Herzberg’s theories of motivation. [6]

Post by Hadia Zia »

[KN] Nature of the Theory.
[AN] Maslow's pyramid of needs comprises of 5 things ( physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs) but Herzberg's theory differentiated between factors that motivate one to work and factors which leads to dissatisfaction.
[AN+] According to Maslow people first find a way to satisfy lower level needs and then move to higher level ones but Herzberg believes in two factor theory of satisfaction and dissatisfaction to work.

[KN] Application of these theories.
[AN] Maslow believes that his hierarchy of needs are applicable for every individual beside of their culture cast etc however Herzberg theories directly links with job enrichment which includes motivators, such as providing employees with challenging and meaningful tasks, to enhance job satisfaction and motivation.
[AN+] Thus these both boosts production and encourages individuals to work.
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