14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Ch 6 Motivating employees

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Sir Afzal Shad
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14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

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Kumail Alvi
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Re: 14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by Kumail Alvi »

[KN] Financial Motivation
[AN] For restaurant managers, profit sharing can be a very effective financial incentive. Managers have a stake in maximizing profits when their compensation is directly tied to the restaurant's financial performance.
[AN+] Since managers can clearly see a link between their work and pay, this financial incentive may boost job satisfaction.

[KN] Job Security
[AN] Profit sharing can support the restaurant's long-term viability since it can enhance financial outcomes.
[AN+] Because managers are more likely to hold onto their roles in a profitable and stable business, which is a major factor in job satisfaction, this can provide them with greater job security.
Kumail Alvi
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Re: 14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[KN] Motivation
[AN] Knowing that a part of the profits depends on their performance, managers may become more motivated on improving the restaurant's operations.
[AN+] This can lead to a sense of achievement and job satisfaction.

[KN] Job security
[AN] If the restaurant's profitability is joined with the performance of managers. They might feel more secure of not getting fired.
[AN+] This gives them a satisfaction as their job is to be at less risk during a recession.
ayyan ali
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Re: 14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by ayyan ali »

[kn] communication and engegement
[AN]successful profit sharing requires effective communication between mangement and staff . when manager avtively ngage with their team to communicate financial goals
[AN+]thus can foster a positive work environment and can boost job satisfaction through a shared sense of purose

[kn]THRRE would also be negetive impact bcz of risk and challenges
[an] i some cases if the restaurant face financial risk so profits share may result i lower or no bonuses
[AN+]thus lead to dissapointment and job satisfaction
Salman Khalid
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Re: 14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[KN] it would increase his financial motivation
[AN] they would be more likely to go the extra mile and work harder
[AN+] this increases the productivity and hence output of a restaurant

[KN] it would give him a sense of ownership
[AN] this creates better relations between the managers and the owners
[AN+] this reduces the chances of conflicts and disagreements which promotes a healthy work environment
hafsa kashif
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Re: 14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[kn] managers will focus on decrement of expenses which will increase profit of the business
[an] this shows that with the profit-sharing manager will be motivated to put in the extra work and finances rather then keeping them for themselves
[an+] increasing productivity and hence output of the restaurant
[kn] managers will focus more on customer satisfaction as returning customers will lower burden on advertisement thus increasing profit
[an] thus with profit sharing manager will start spending on different expenses to increase quality of product making it more attractive towards customers eye
[an+] thus improving brand image and leading to increased brand reputation
Maham fatima
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Re: 14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by Maham fatima »

[KN] self-esteem needs
[AN] When the manager is offered a share of the profit, they feel more responsible for the business' performance, as now the extent to which the company makes profit actually affects their return.
[AN] Such responsibility makes them feel valued by the organisation which may help to fulfil their self-esteem needs, leading to higher job satisfaction.

[KN] May be against the interests of shareholders
[AN] profits are the reward earned by the shareholders/owners of the business for their stake in the company, and risk taken. so when their share is offered to managers who have no stake in the business, it may not align with their interests as owners of the company.
[AN] This conflict of aims can result in serious conflict between the employees and owners of the business.
Hadia Zia
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Re: 14 Analyse the potential impact of profit sharing by a restaurant on manager’s job satisfaction. [6]

Post by Hadia Zia »

[KN] Higher job satisfaction.
[AN] Having a sense that the compensation is directly linked with business overall profitability will ensure increase in efforts of managers to make the restaurant achieve its max goals.
[AN+] Thus this will increase employee engagement and hence total efficiency.

[KN] Positive working environment.
[AN] This may lead to improvement in the relations of employees and managers hence contributing to a more admirable workforce.
[AN+] Thus this will lead to a culture of growth and increase in employee morale.
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