12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Ch 8 Recruitment, selection and training of employees

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Sir Afzal Shad
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12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Sir Afzal Shad »

Q12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
hafsa kashif
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by hafsa kashif »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost-effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] thus this also improves relationship between employees and management as instead of bringing the problem to court they solve it together
Soha Hussain
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Soha Hussain »

Q12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN]thus, rather than going through the issue of handling management-employee matters in courts/publicly, such issues can be solved internally in the business, helping improve the relationship of both as well
ayyan ali
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by ayyan ali »

[def] the internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between empoyees and the management . its decision are acceptable by both parties and are acted upon in true spirits
[kn]industrial tribunal is quick , efficient and cost effective method of problem resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand of the compan as well
[an] a well functioning internal tribunal can contribute to the efficient resolutionof disputes, preventing conflicts that could disrupt the work
Humzah Zafar
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Humzah Zafar »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN]this can lead to prevention of work conflicts
Salman Khalid
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Salman Khalid »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN]this saves the business time and prevent conflicts which maintains a healthy work environment
Syed Raza
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Syed Raza »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] Industrial tribunal proceedings are generally less expensive than court cases, saving both the company and the employee time and money.
Farzan Siddiqui
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Farzan Siddiqui »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] This can help to prevent the workers to conflict with each other.
Ahmed Zunair
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Ahmed Zunair »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] this will decrease the conflicts between workers.
khadija nasir
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by khadija nasir »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] this elps save time and gets every employees points across enusring that evryone is satisfied by the end of the matter
Hadia Zia
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Hadia Zia »

[Def] The internal tribunal system of a business tries to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] Hence leads to promotion of a healthy working environment with less chances of conflicts.
Talha Asim
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Talha Asim »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] this helps to identify and find solutions for problems efficiently through a third party but may cause loss of customer due to such industrial action as consumers would be discouraged
Mahnoor Nadeem
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Mahnoor Nadeem »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] It protects the reputation of the business and provides a healthy and friendly environment to work in
Syed Mustafa Ali
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Syed Mustafa Ali »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] Problem solving will make the business more efficient and due to less time wasting/ faster decision making the business output will increase.
Hussain Asghar
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Re: 12 Define & explain the term ‘Industrial Tribunal’ [4]

Post by Hussain Asghar »

[Def] The internal judicial system of a business to solve internal organizational conflicts between employees & the management. Its decisions are acceptable by both parties & are acted upon in true spirits.
[KN] Industrial tribunal is quick, efficient and cost effective method of problems resolution against the courts which may hamper the brand image of the company as well
[AN] thus this help to work in a organization in a friendly way with teamwork and coordination
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