I have been watching YouTube and searching around the most watched movies especially related to Islamic Culture and Muslim Community. The widely misrepresented religion on Earth came up with very little historic events available in Movies, Documentaries and Series. Top 10 Islamic Movies in 2020 was prepared as a list of movies for Muslims. Every second child is well aware of Alexander, Newton and Nicola Tesla but very few of the people know that Hazrat Umar (r.a); who ruled 2/3 of the earth with the finest Justice Systems which became the base of American Justice.
Before scrolling down, please watch this short video. I have included Best Islamic movie trailers in it as well to give you an idea of the movie and its genre. Have a look and tell me your favorite movie and the movie(s) I should add into Top 10 Muslim Movies List of 2020.
I believe, its the time when we should learn and produce the content that can not only help Teens of Muslims Society as well as it will enable most of the faiths to understand Islam and Muslims in true spirit. The contributions made by the Muslim Scientists and systems on which today’s democracy is built have a major input from Muslim Societies. I have tried to make a List of Top 10 Movies for Muslims (Documentaries & Series Included). Only those movies which can be seen by any teenager. I really recommend these movies to every sane person on earth to watch and verify with the history and create a real image of Muslims and understanding Islam.
The current post will cover the following most asked questions like; Islamic Movies to Watch in 2020, Islamic Movies for Kids, Islamic Movies in English, Arabic, Urdu, Spanish, Hindi & Bangali. Lets start with our list of Top 10 Movies

Please Subscribe to My Channel & tell me if I should add/remove any movie from this list. Thank you! 🙂
1. The Message (1976)

The movie is one of the best movies and ruled the Top Charts in Muslim Movies for years. In Arabic the movie was named as Ar-Risālah and was named as “Mohammad (PBUH), Messenger of God” initially. Been watched by millions of Muslims and non-Muslims around the world. The story revolves around Islam’s beginnings in Mecca in which the Muslims are persecuted, the exodus to Medina and ending with the Muslims’ triumphant return to Mecca.
If you are looking to download / Watch Online The Message (1976) in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi languages. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.
2. Muhammad (PBUH): The legacy of Prophet
Its is the documentary based on historical records and on the stories of living American Muslims. The documentary is filmed with balanced arguments and through the eyes of Alex Kronemer and Michael Wolfe. The story takes you to the Arabia and link that 1450 years past with today’s Muslims living in America and following the legacy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The film is added to our Top 10 Islamic Movies in 2020 list as it is still used in communities, schools, universities, religious congregations, and civic organizations throughout the United States to increase Americans’ understanding of Muslims and Islam.
If you are looking to download / Watch Online Muhammad (PBUH): The legacy of Prophet in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi languages. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.
3. Omar (RA)
It is the complete series of multiple episodes which are available in Arabic, English and Urdu.
If you are looking to download / Watch Online Omar (ra) in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi languages. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.
4. The Tale of Heavens
The movie on the Life of Imam Ali (as) and his biography. It is the complete movie which is available in Arabic, English and Urdu languages. It is one of the best movies for Muslims who want to understand the inspiration and wisdom of Hazrat Ali (as)
If you are looking to download / Watch Online The Tale of Heavens in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply. I will be happy to find the link for you in reply.
5. Kingdom of Heaven
The story of Salahudin Ayubi, who the 2nd after Hazrat Umar (ra) to conquer Jerusalem. The movie consists of many impressive dialogues and depicts the true spirit of both Muslims and Christian lives during the times of war. One of my favorite movies in the list of Top 10 Islamic Movies in 2020 which is watched by millions multiple times.
If you are looking to download Kingdom of Heaven in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the link for you in reply.
6. The Imam

Story on Life of Hazrat Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal (rahimaullah) who became a leading authority on the hadith, leaving an immense encyclopedia of hadith, the al-Musnad. After several years of travel, he returned to Baghdad to study Islamic law under Imam Al-Shafi’i.
If you are looking to download / Watch Online The Imam in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.
7. Journey to Mecca
Its the travel log of Ibn e Battuta when he visited Mecca for the sake of Hajj. It was the first film on any travel log to Mecca by any Muslim Scholar. 21 year old law student Ibn Battutah set out alone to Mecca from Tangiers in 1325 and returned to Morocco almost 30 years later.
If you are looking to download / Watch Online Journey to Mecca in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.
8. Dirilis Ertugrul

One of the most watched and best rated Turkish series which was Premiered in Pakistani National Television (PTV) by Prime Minister Imran Khan; as it was one of the fine movies for Muslims. The Series is about the life of a group of Turkic nomads who becomes difficult when Ertugrul rescues a family from some knights and brings them to their tribe, without knowing their true identity. It consists of 4 Seasons with total of 115 Episodes presented till April 2018. This series was mainly related to the Ottoman Empire and centers around the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire. One of the most watched and my favorite movie in List of Top 10 Islamic Movies in 2020.
If you are looking to download / Watch Online Dirilis Ertugrul in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.
9. FETIH (1453)
After the death of his father, Sultan Mehmet II takes the Ottoman throne therefore he gathers his forces to lay siege to Constantinople. In English movie was named as The Conquest 1453. If you are looking to download / Watch Online FETIH (1453) in Urdu, Arabic and Hindi or watch The Conquest 1453 in English. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.
10. Bilal: A New Breed of Hero

Over 1,000 years ago, a boy with dreams of being a great warrior and his sister are abducted and taken to a far away land. Growing up in a world of greed and injustice, he finds the courage to make a change. The story relates with the life of Hazrat Bilal e Habshi (ra), who used to call for prayers during and after the life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Its one of the fist finest animated movie made for kids and teenagers.
If you are looking to download / Watch Online Bilal: A New Breed of Hero in English, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi. Please mention on my YouTube Channel and I will be happy to find the best available link in 1080p, 720p, 480p for you in reply.